New Hotel Opening Program

Empyrean INTL's New Hotel Opening Program: A Complete Guide

Are you a hotel owner looking to open a new property? Managing a hotel project from start to finish can be a daunting task. From ensuring brand compliance to managing logistics and financial planning, there are numerous factors to consider. This is where Empyrean INTL's New Hotel Opening Program comes in to help you every step of the way - and the best part? It's at no cost to you.

Brand Compliance

Ensuring brand compliance is a crucial aspect of launching a new hotel. Empyrean INTL has the ability to produce bed and bath linens for all leading global brands, including upscale boutique hotels, once provided with the specifications and brand guidelines. This guarantees that your property aligns with the standards set by your selected brand, giving you a competitive advantage in the market.


Managing and tracking key milestones is essential to the success of your hotel project. Empyrean INTL helps you communicate delivery dates and assists with product forecasting. This ensures that the right products are delivered at the right time, saving you time and money in the long run.

Fundamental Financial Planning

Managing the finances of a new hotel project can be overwhelming. With Empyrean INTL's New Hotel Opening Program, one of our specialists will provide you with easyto-use ordering, budgeting resources, and payment schedule guidance. This helps you stay on track financially and ensures that you are making the most of your budget.

Order Template for Opening

Calculating your product needs can be a complex process. Empyrean INTL offers userfriendly order guides based on bed count & type, par level, and occupancy expectations. This makes it easy for you to determine exactly what products you need for your new hotel and ensures that you have everything you need for a successful opening.

Opening order Specialists

You get to decide the par levels and other selections for your hotel. Empyrean INTL will subsequently ensure that you meet your budget and your brand's standards. Our experts work closely with you to ensure that your opening order is both cost-effective and in line with your brand's expectations.

Professional Online Support upon delivery

Our Opening Expert will be available online on the day of delivery to assist with checking in your opening order and confirming shipment accuracy. This level of online support guarantees that all preparations are in place for your hotel opening, providing assurance that everything is proceeding smoothly.

In conclusion, opening a new hotel is a complex and challenging process. Empyrean INTL's New Hotel Opening Program takes the stress out of the equation by providing you with expert support every step of the way. From brand compliance to logistics management and financial planning, our program covers it all. Trust Empyrean INTL to be your trusted business partner with industry focus, scope of products, a proven process, and expertise. Let us help you make your hotel opening a success